Positive emotions - curiosity, love, joy, contentment, wonder, excitement - expand your focus of attention.

When you're anger, your focus narrows to the source of your frustration and the object of your wrath. Your mind is like a heat-seeking missile, bent on destruction.

Stop letting that one negative suck all the positive possibilities from your life! You must learn to multi-task. Only an idiot would suggest the old saying, "just don't it bother you, move on, you are a bigger person!" Well that's good if you live in a fantasy world but sometimes our flesh is weak even when our spirit knows better! ("Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Matthew 26:41)

Jesus got angry but was still God! He went running through the temple turning over tables, yelling etc as he saw the people using the temple for the wrong thing! (Matthew 21:12) Anger is not bad in some ways because they are a perfectly natural reaction to certain circumstances.

Stop letting Satan steal your possibilities today. Even though you feel anger, hurt or sadness toward someone or something determine that you are also going to feel love, joy, happiness or some other positive feeling toward something else and you will see a joy take over that negative!

And remember this...the temple of God is us...He lives in us. To use your temple for negative will make Christ angry so letting a negative stay in your may lead to your self-destruction because Christ wants no temple being used for wrong things!

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